Does Cycling Count As Steps?

Yes, cycling counts as steps, and you can count the number of steps you would have taken using conversion methods. The methods may vary in the level of accuracy, but they will give you at least a rough idea of the step count.

Walking or cycling is a form of aerobic exercise that improves cardiac health while raising your heartbeat. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention attributes that a person should have 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. Therefore, choosing between cycling and walking can be a tough decision.

Many people prefer cycling to walk, and those who like working out indoors can use fitness equipment, including exercise bikes, for the activity.

Does Cycling Really Count As Steps?

Unless you constantly cycle, the number of steps your pedometer records will be lower than the number of steps you will take when walking a similar distance. Doctors recommend walking at least 10000 steps daily to stay healthy. Nonetheless, you can choose to cycle instead of walking due to its numerous benefits.

Benefits Of Cycling Over Walking

Benefits Of Cycling Over Walking

1. Walking Is More Time Consuming

If an average person walks 10000 steps, this will roughly amount to 8km (5 mi). Considering the average walking speed of 5 km/hr (3 mph), it would take about 1 hour and 36 minutes to complete the recommended 10000 steps daily.

2. You Will Burn More Calories Through Cycling

Walking with an average speed of 5 km/h (3 mph) will make the average person burn nearly 232 kcal per hour. Therefore, an 8km distance or 10000 steps can make you burn a total of approximately 371 kcal. If you cycle at a modest speed of 20km/hr (12mph), you will burn roughly 563 kcal every hour. 

Increasing the intensity will make an even more significant difference. Walking at a fast speed of 6.5 km/h (4 mph) will burn 352 kcal per hour while cycling at a rapid pace of 30 km/h (19 mph) will burn approximately 844 kcal per hour.

3. Cycling Helps In Preventing Obesity

Although walking is better than taking a car or public transport while going to work, cycling can give you much better results. Walking is linked to a significantly reduced BMI and body fat, but cycling has a better outcome.

If you love cycling, it’s a better option than walking because it is more time-efficient and burns more calories, thus keeping you fit and slim. The only downside to cycling is bike maintenance, which can be lengthy if you don’t know how to do it.

Considering 10000 Steps Daily.

Considering 10000 Steps Daily

Walking 10000 steps in a day is equal to working out for 30 minutes. It would help if you aimed to walk 10000 steps since it is an excellent way of interrupting the time you spend on your seat. It will also keep you motivated. Some of the benefits you will gain from 10000 steps daily include:

1. Improving Your Cardiac Health

Taking 10000 steps in a day will improve the oxygenated blood supply to your body parts. Doing this will enhance your cardiac health and help reduce blood pressure.

2. Building Muscle

Walking 10000 steps is essential for muscle growth and strength. For strength training, you can combine walking with other forms of exercise such as cycling, which will help you recover, increase circulation to your legs, and give your joints a rest.

3. Strengthening The Lungs

Keeping your body moving every day can strengthen your lungs and muscles. Taking ten thousand steps in a day will increase the rate and volume of the inhaled oxygen while enhancing your body’s ability to utilize it efficiently.

4. Improving Concentration

Working out and exercising improves concentration and helps you focus on daily activities. When you engage in physical activity, the body releases endorphins that enhance blood flow to the brain. This ultimately improves cognitive function and helps you feel less anxious and stressed.

Converting Bike Miles To Steps

If you are on a wellness program, you may be more interested in cycling rather than walking. Therefore, it’s essential to know how to convert bike miles into steps. Pedometers are used in measuring steps during walking, although some pedometers can convert the distance of your steps into miles.

Wear a pedometer to help you establish your activity level each day. You should ensure that you reset the pedometer to zero setting every day and record all the steps you take. Most people attach the pedometer to their shoes to count the pedal strokes when cycling. Once you establish a baseline, you should increase your activity level with a 20 percent increment as pedometers give fewer steps than cycling.

Do Numbers Matter?

Generally, there isn’t an actual number of steps you should take per day, although doctors recommend walking at least 10000 steps. This is a generalized guideline for exercise since everyone is different, and the rules may not apply to everyone.

It is essential to establish your baseline by building on how you work out instead of meeting other people’s standards. You can build up to the 10000 steps a day over time, which is much more realistic and manageable.

Remember that 10000 number is only an average of the steps per day, and it is not a must that you reach them. You may walk over 10000 steps or below depending on your age, chronic disease status, and many other factors. Therefore, you should consult your primary care doctor for more guidance on exercise and workout routines.

Tips To Help You Incorporate More Walking In Your Daily Routine

Now that you know the recommended number of steps you need in a day to keep healthy, it’s time for you to take action. Some of the strategies you can take to incorporating more walking daily include:

1. Cycling around the neighborhood

2. Using a stationary bike

3. Building a daily walk

4. Taking mini-walks

5. Talking in-person instead of emailing your co-workers

6. Going the extra mile when you have the option

7. Walking as you wait for appointments instead of reading magazines

8. Taking the stairs


Fitness trackers encourage adults to get at least 10000 steps in a day to keep healthy. Instead of walking, you can choose cycling, which also counts as steps.

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